Parents and Guardians
Parents, students, and staff collaborating together create the best learning environment for students. We know that you have one of the most challenging and rewarding roles as a parent. St. Mary is here to support you and your teen throughout these incredibly important years.
Your son/daughter's education here begins with admission/registration. You can read about our admission process, attendance expectations, and where to purchase school uniforms. Parents of international students can visit our Board site to learn further details on special requirements.
We welcome your involvement at St. Mary through the Catholic School Council or volunteering. You can also learn about the role of the Ontario Association for Parents of Catholic Education (OAPCE).
School safety, inclusivity, and respect for one's self and others are very important to our school community. Students follow a Student Code of Conduct and have expectations for attendance, our dress code, homework completion, safe schools, social media etiquette and computer usage and study periods. We also follow the Board's threat assessment policy.
Check out our Questions & Concerns for answers to frequently asked questions or our Helpful Links to community agencies, institutions, and post secondary resources.
If your son/daughter rides the bus, you can access transportation/busing information for bus cancellations and delays.
The staff at St. Mary looks forward to meeting you at parent-teacher conferences. If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback regarding your son/daughter's progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are honoured to be a partner in your son/daughter's education as they become 'builders of a just society'.