Physical Education
The Physical Education program offers many courses from co-ed generalized physical education to courses that are much more specific such as dance, outdoor ed, hockey, personal fitness and yoga for senior students. These courses are based on physical activity and written work with the opportunity to learn about living a more healthy lifestyle and staying active.
Grade 9
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education (Co-ed) (Open)
Grade 10
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education - HOCKEY Skills Academy - Part 1 ($200 fee) (Coed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living - RUGBY Canada Skills Academy (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education - INDOOR SPORTS (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education - OUTDOOR SPORTS (Co-ed) (Open)
Grade 11
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Coed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Personal Fitness Activities (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education - HOCKEY Skills Academy ($350 fee) (Coed) (Open)
Individual and Small Group: YOGA
Healthy Living and Large-Group Activities - RUGBY Canada Skills Academy (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Coed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education (Co-ed) (Open)
Health for Life (College) (e-Learning)
Grade 12
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Outdoor Activities ($Fee & Application) (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Personal Fitness Activities (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Active Living Education - HOCKEY Skills Academy ($350 fee) (Coed) (Open)
Individual and Small Group: YOGA
Healthy Living and Large-Group Activities - RUGBY Canada Skills Academy (Co-ed) (Open)
Healthy Living and Rhythm and Movement Activities - DANCE (Co-ed) (Open)
Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership (Co-ed) (College/University)
Introductory Kinesiology (University)