The Arts are thriving at St. Mary!

Come explore your artistic talents in a choir, jazz band, musical/drama production, visual arts class or dance club.

Students in grades 9 to 12 are welcome to join any of our extra-curricular arts activities.

SMCSS offers a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
in Arts & Culture. 

Click on the Arts & Culture SHSM logo for more information.

Dramatic Arts

Drama courses use the elements of drama to examine situations and issues that are relevant to students lives by creating, performing and analyzing in order to develop a deeper understanding of themselves, the art form and the world around them. In senior level courses students delve deeper into contemporary theatre as they interpret and present works in a variety of dramatic forms. Drama courses help students become effective communicators who use and integrate the Catholic faith tradition, in the critical analysis of the arts, media, technology and information systems to enhance the quality of life.


Our school musicals are a wonderful way to meet other students in grades 9 to 12; interact with teachers outside of class; expand your vocal, acting and dance skills; work backstage; and have a lot of fun. We stage a musical production every two years. Musicals feature the talents of dozens of students on stage, in the orchestra pit, and many more working behind the scenes on set, lighting, sound, costumes, make-up and hair. For more information contact Mrs. Earle.


SMCSS music courses focus on vocal, instrumental and theatre production. Starting in grade 9 students have an opportunity to begin to develop their musical literacy and performance skills in the classroom. Throughout the term students expand their understanding of musical conventions, practices and terminology in the classroom. Every other year grade 11 and 12 students can take the Instrumental - Music Theatre course and become members of the SMCSS pit band for that years dramatic production. This course allows students to continue to develop their understanding of the elements of music as well as their technical abilities.

Grade 9 

Grade 10

Grade 11 

Grade 12 

St. Mary's Singers

Interested students have the option of joining the school choir, the St. Mary's Singers. The choir showcases their beautiful harmonies at many events all year. For more information on joining one of our choirs, contact Mrs. Earle.

Singer perform Jabula Jesu

Singers perform Thou Shalt Know him

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is a popular after school group that begins rehearsals in mid-September. The jazz band performs for our feeder school students and at many events all year. 

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts program at St. Mary, instructed by Ms. Hoover, is all about learning by experience. Here, you will be given the opportunity to experiment with all disciplines of the fine arts; including, but not limited to: 

While there is plenty to talk about, the best way to understand the Visual Arts program at St. Mary is to see the fantastic work of the students! Check out our visual testimony!

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12