Dress Code

Students who enroll at St. Mary do so with the full awareness of the uniform requirements. When a student chooses St. Mary, he/she agrees to abide by the established dress code. Our school uniform creates a distinct school identity. By respecting the dress code, students uphold this goal.

Only uniform items purchased from R.J. McCarthy Ltd. or its agent are allowed at St. Mary. Students will be disciplined if their uniform items do not comply with this standard.

Uniform Policy

The following is expected behaviour with regards to our school uniform policy:

Expected Behaviour

Reasons for Expected Behaviour

Consequences for Dress Code Infractions

Physical Education clothing:

Dress Code   (all green shirts must be the school forest green)

Dress Down Fridays

St. Mary team clothing, physical education clothing and St. Mary special event clothing may be substituted for clothing from the approved clothing list on Fridays only.

On dress-down Fridays, students must dress respectfully which includes: