The languages program at SMCSS offers courses in English studies as well as French and French Immersion. These courses allow students to learn through exploring classic literature and developing proper essay writing techniques. The French courses offer students an opportunity to fine tune their French skills by developing and expanding their vocabulary and writing in proper structure for the French language. Both courses offer oral and written based work, allowing students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of language through actual linguistics studies and classic literature.
Grade 9
English (Academic)
English (Locally Developed)
English (Applied)
Core French (Academic)
Core French (Open)
Core French (Applied)
Grade 10
English (Academic)
English (Locally Developed)
English (Applied)
Core French (Academic)
Core French (Applied)
Grade 11
English (College)
English (Workplace)
English (University)
English: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices (College)
English: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices (Workplace)
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
Core French (University)
Grade 12
English (College)
English (Workplace)
English (University)
The Writer's Craft (College)
The Writer's Craft (University)
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (Open)
Core French (University)
French Immersion
Grade 9
Issues in Canadian Geography (French Immersion) (Academic)
French Immersion (Academic)
Religious Education - Discipleship and Culture (French Immersion) (Open)
Grade 10
Canadian History Since World War I (French Immersion) (Academic)
French Immersion (Academic)
Religious Education - Christ and Culture (French Immersion) (Open)
Grade 11
French Immersion (University)
World Religions: Perspectives, Issues & Challenges (French Immersion) (University/College)
Grade 12
French Immersion (University)
Religious Education - Church and Culture (French Immersion) (University/College)